Hector Hoyos’ ‘Beyond Bolaño’

Hector Hoyos’ ‘Beyond Bolaño’


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In ‘Beyond Bolaño,’ Hector Hoyos defines new trends in how we read and write in a globalized era, calling attention to fresh innovations in form, voice, perspective, and representation that affirm the lead role of Latin American authors in reshaping world literature.

Full Title:  Beyond Bolaño: The Global Latin American Novel

Author: Hector Hoyos, Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at Stanford University.

Publisher: Columbia University Press

Place: New York, NY

Description: Through a comparative analysis of the novels of Roberto Bolaño and the fiction of César Aira, Mario Bellatin, Diamela Eltit, Chico Buarque, Alberto Fuguet, and Fernando Vallejo, among others, Héctor Hoyos defines new trends in how we read and write in a globalized era. Calling attention to fresh innovations in form, voice, perspective, and representation, he also affirms the lead role of Latin American authors in reshaping world literature.

Focusing on post-1989 Latin American novels and their representation of globalization, Hoyos considers the narrative techniques and aesthetic choices Latin American authors make to assimilate the conflicting forces at work in our increasingly interconnected world. Challenging the assumption that globalization leads to cultural homogenization, he identifies the rich textual strategies that estrange and re-mediate power relations both within literary canons and across global cultural hegemonies. Hoyos shines a light on the unique, avant-garde phenomena that animate these works, and thus shows us how they help reconfigure received ideas about global culture and advance new, creative articulations of world consciousness.

For more, see the book’s publication site at Columbia University Press.

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